Legal info

Company data

Business name: Antal Srl
Registered office: Via del Progresso, 10 — 35127 Padova (PD)
VAT: 00699000287
Ufficio Registro Imprese: Padova
R.E.A.: PD - 130517


Company disclosures and consents


Whistleblowing Information Notice


Notices on copyright and trademarks

The entire content of this website is protected by copyright (copyright ©) 2024 by Antal Srl or its suppliers. All rights are reserved to the owners in accordance with the law. Pursuant to article 1, paragraph 1 of the decree-law of 22 March 2004, n. 72, as amended by the conversion law 21 May 2004 n. 128, the works on this site have fulfilled the obligations deriving from the legislation on copyright and related rights. Reproduction, communication to the public, making available to the public, rental and lending, public performance and dissemination without the authorization of the rights holder is prohibited. The sanctions provided for by articles 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of law 633/1941 are applied to violations. Pursuant to article 5 of the law of 22 April 1941 n. 633 on the protection of copyright, the texts of official acts of the State and public administrations, both Italian and foreign, are not covered by copyright. The copyright indicated refers to the elaboration and form of presentation of the texts themselves.


Alleged copyright infringements

These communications must be presented in writing and sent to the representative appointed by Antal Srl at the following address, fax number or E-mail address:
Antal Srl
Via del Progresso, 10 — 35127 Padova (PD)
Tel. (+39) 049 8701265