All Antal winches, from model XT40 to model XT80, Maxi W80.3ST and W90.3ST can be fitted with an electric motor. All our electric winches are Self Tailing. Usually sold with chromed drum, powered winches are also available with black aluminum drum or classic natural bronze drum.

Horizontal and vertical motors. All the winches may be equipped with a horizontal motor and gearbox with a worm screw. The largest models may be supplied with a vertical motor which uses a high-efficiency hypocycloid speed reducer. Both solutions have been studied to ensure particularly compact dimensions and maximum silent operation.
Manual use. Simply insert the handle to disconnect the gearbox-motor unit. Greater safety: accidental starting of the motor does not affect the winch, avoiding dangerous turning of the handle. Greater efficiency: the gearbox-motor unit does not turn in manual use, avoiding needless friction.
Speed. Electric winches maintain two speeds both in manual use (inverting the direction of rotation of the handle) and in electric use (pressing one of the two control buttons). In electric winches the speeds are higher than in manual use.